Christian Living
Showing 169–192 of 206 results
The Prisoner in the Third Cell
You will enjoy this masterfully written and moving story of the life of John the Baptist. A book of comfort for those caught up in circumstances difficult to understand.
$2.25 – $8.95
The School of God
Go with Ruth and learn some of the great lessons of life as she studies in the School of God. Picture her suddenly becoming totally responsible for the ungodly household of her family, which includes an invalid sister. Feel her struggle as a disgraceful reality about her family comes to light. What will she do […]
The Scriptures Have the Answers
This book contains spiritual insights and stories many of whom have appeared in Family Life years ago. Good inspirational reading.
The True Christian
Exactly what does God expect of me as a Christian? Is he pleased with my life? Just how does He evaluate what I do or say? Should a Christian be tempted with the things I am? I want to please God, to live right, to be faithful, to be ready to meet Him when I […]
The Truth in Word and Work
A compilation of doctrinal subjects written by concerned Amish brethren to strengthen the churches. Good book to pass out.
The Upward Call
This book explains the importance of being a true and dedicated disciple of Jesus Christ and following Him wherever He calls. Encourages spiritual growth.
The Victorious Life
Yes, you can live in daily victory over sin. This booklet tells you how. Instead of offering easy solutions, it deals with the real issues of our spiritual life. Free study guide available
The Way of the Cross
In who does not welcome the suffering of the cross, does not welcome God. Read this book and discover what all the cross includes. Free study guide available
The Wisdom of Jonadab
An interesting allegory of the Rechabites. What can we learn from the Rechabites and from others in history who have successfully separated themselves from the ungodly society of their day? How can we avoid the danger of passing on a lifestyle without passing on our faith? This book can help answer some of these questions.
Threads from His Hem
Threads of insight the author has gathered on her journey. She shares them, prodding the reader to commit to our Savior in practical down to earth ways.
Through the Scent of Water
An inspiring and uplifting devotional book for women.
Timely Talks With Teenagers
A challenging book for youth. While boys and girls are growing in body and mind, let them also grow in character. Much good guidance.
Trouble at Windy Acres
When unforeseen happenings arise, the Winters boys have to associate with their uncle’s skeptical hired man. In the midst of unjust accusations, hard words, and theft, their lives demonstrate how nonresistance really works.
Unconditional Surrender
Pete grew up in a Catholic home that promoted high moral values, but he longed for more of God. He enlisted in the Navy, served in Vietnam, and then worked as a game warden, sheriff’s deputy, and ranger in the Rocky Mountains. But he couldn’t forget Gary, his Mennonite friend from Oregon. Their camping trips […]
What about Boy– Girl Relationships
The author has sorted through, evaluated, and placed priorities on some of the major activities and decisions that face the young teenagers.
What Jesus Refused to Do
Jesus was born in a dark time. Israel was being oppressed by the cruel Roman Empire and corruption was rampant. We also live in a discouraging time. We see Congress passing laws that conflict with Biblical truth and observe ungodly leaders being voted into positions of power. We watch with dismay as our world becomes […]
What the Bible Says About Child Training
This is a thorough study on what the Bible teaches about child training. Many parents find this very helpful.
When Do All Things Work Together
Seemingly, there is always someone in the Amish denomination questioning the genuineness of the Amish church. Being concerned about our Salvation based on traditions, is a worthy concern. Many of our young folks who are seeking God are faced with confusing theories in our day concerning his guidance for their lives.
Why Be Plain
A book for those who want to take heart Paul’s teachings about keeping away from the world’s ways. It brings out why Jesus wants us to stay away from worldly kingdoms and its pride and high living and the pleasures of this world. A person who wants to live for Christ does so with works, […]
Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up
An engrossing journey back to the time of the first century. Inspirational account of what Christians believed & practiced at the end of the age of the apostles, & how the church eventually lost the Christianity of that time. Not primarily a history book, but a fresh look at how the church might solve the […]
Willows by the Water
In Willows by the Water stories you’re invited to exxperience God’s faithfulness as the author learns the meaning of motherhood. The mountains. The valleys. The deserts. As a mother, be strengthened, encouraged, hopeful, and joyful. Be comforted that you are not alone.
Wisdom and the Millers
This book is packed with inspirational, lively and Godly stories that build character in children. Each chapter explains and illustrates a passage from Proverbs. Stories are based on true happenings.
Wolves in the Flock
God gives no less grace to us who are in the battle now than He gave to the faithful of the past. This cloud of witnesses bears record of faith against apostasy, of courage in persecution and of love unto the end.
Worshipful Families
Same as the other two devotionals, this carries the same format of a parents reading with a corresponding children’s story for each day along with a scripture reading.
Showing 169–192 of 206 results