Christian Living
Showing 73–96 of 206 results
God’s Smuggler
Gripping. Thrilling. Fascinating. An altogether amazing True story. Read on how Brother Andrew smuggles Bibles into the heart of Communist countries. He is spied on. His vehicle is searched and time after time God provides an escape. You will be inspired
God’s Will for my Body
A guide for parents to use in helping their children to understand, accept and appreciate the changes that come with growing up. A much needed balance to the messages and images that are forced on our young people.
God’s Will in Finances
A revised version of Kingdom-Focused Finances for the Family, adapted specifically to horse and buggy people. Readers will enjoy the realistic,humorous, and common sense approach to teaching on Kingdom stewardship and how to manage personal finances in a godly way. Adapted by Atlee Raber.
Going Till Your Gone
An excellent book on finances for those who are approaching retirement age.
Gripped by a Dark Hand
While counseling, praying, and weeping with many wounded and shattered lives, God has deeply moved Paul’s heart and clearly revealed what is often missing. There are strongholds, doors often left open that allow this dark hand to grip their lives and keep them chained by powers of darkness. But with truth, God is able to […]
Growing With the Millers
Read about the saving an elderly ladie’s life, the burglar that wasn’t, returning good for evil. And much more!
Hearing God
Deep in every womens heart is a longing to truly know God. A nice devotional book especially for women. Practical encouragement for everyday challenges.
Hinds’ Feet on High Places
A allegory learning to accept, day by day, the actual conditions and tests permitted by God.
Hold Them Near
Sara and Noah Beachy were a busy couple raising their family in the 1940’s and 50’s Sarah’s mother-heart suffered deeply as one child after another succumbed to a mysterious genetic heart condition. You will be inspired by her deep faith and courage in the midst of sorrow.
Honey from the Hive
366 inspiring and practical daily devotionals suitable for family devotions. Each reading has a suggested scripture reading. Contains scripture index.
How to Win the Heart of a Rebel
Gives many pointers how to win back the heart of a rebellious child.
I Will Build My ChurchThe Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against it
An excellent writing on the Biblical function of the New Testament church. Covers the responsibilities of both the leaders and the laity.
I, II, & III John & Jude
In God We Don’t Trust
This is a look at the founding of America in the light of Jesus’ teachings. Our currency declares, “In God We Trust.” But did the American colonists truly trust in God in the founding of America? What about the treatment of Indians, slave trafficking, in building economies on tobacco and rum, in smuggling, etc. Bercot’s […]
In Meiner Jugend
A devotional reader in German and English on facing pages. Contains Dortrecht Confession, Apostle’s Creed, Rules of a Godly Life, Selected Prayers and Hymns and various formularies for baptism and marriage. Every youth should have one of these.
In the Whales Belly
Stories taken form Martyr’s Mirror and written on a child’s level. A must read for your children or grandchildren.
Increase My Faith
Good faith building stories for all ages. Don’t Let Him Go!, The Living Proof, Should I Confess?, All Such Desires, and many more excellent stories that build character.
Intended for Pleasure
A thorough book on marital intimacy in a Christian marriage. For married couples only.
Intimate Issues
Discusses marital intimacy written by women for women, from a Christian perspective. For married couples only.
It’s Not Your Business
As followers of Jesus, how involved should we be in business? Should we participate in America’s feverish pursuit of profit and business growth? If not, how do we survive? This book will cause you to examine your occupation from a different persepctive!
Jesus Really Said That?
This book presents five teachings of Jesus that are often missed, ignored, or rejected. It tells the story of Jeremy and Alicia, a couple who thought they understood Christianity and knew what it meant to be a Christian… Until they began to look at what Jesus actually said!
Joy for Mourning
This is poignant personal account of an inner world devastated by experiences too difficult for a child’s heart to handle. The sin of sexual abuse had left wreckage, turmoil, and mourning. This is not light reading. It’s about something ugly and tragic, its repercussions in one woman’s life, and her road to recovery. While other […]
Keep Praying
Whatever your situation in life may be, let these gentle words of encouragement feed your soul and lift your spirit in communion with God. You will be encouraged as you listen to a voice seasoned with love and experience. In Keep Praying, Carlos Scott’s refreshing words of guidance takes you by the hand and leads […]
Keep Yourself Pure
A very helpful and practical book for helping youths and adults maintain the precious gift of purity.
Showing 73–96 of 206 results