Showing 1057–1079 of 1079 results
Working With Wisdom
An activity book that goes with the book Wisdom and the Millers. Third to fourth grade.
Worshipful Families
Same as the other two devotionals, this carries the same format of a parents reading with a corresponding children’s story for each day along with a scripture reading.
Ye Fathers
Homes desperately need fathers who are serious about their accountability to God for how they raise their children. Gives practical suggestions on what to say and how to do these things.
Year of Doubt
A new school. A new community. A new church. Would the girls at church even like her? The many changes in her life seem almost more than 14 year old Lois Ann can cope with. Learn with her as she copes with anxiety, frustration and defeat in this engrossing story. Continues in the sequel: Year […]
Year of Growth
ois Ann the oldest of the children is battling some special problems. Will she never find victory? At times she almost despairs. If only Mother would be well then the heavy end of the load would not rest on her shoulders. By sixteen she is finding workable solutions thanks to God and the help of […]
You are too small, Little Eli!
Growing up as a little Amish boy on the plains of Oklahoma, Eli finds himself surrounded by many adventures. But too often, it seems, Eli is told that he is too little to go along.
Young Man Be Pure
This book clearly explains what moral purity is and helps young men and their mentors understand the battle that Satan wages in his efforts to bind all of us by sensual desires.
Young Man, Be Strong!
This book, written to middle and upper teenager men, gives much practical and valuable advice and encouragement. A good book for every young man’s library.
Young Woman Be Virtuous
A companion book that goes with Young Man be Strong written for young women. Contains much godly instruction and inspirational reading.
Your Strength Can Become Your Weakness
Many leaders stumble and fall over their strengths and not their weaknesses. We may offend each other more with our strengths than by our weaknesses. Learn how unguarded strength is double weakness.
Zion’s Praises
Contains over 800 hymn suitable for various occasions and worship services.
Slaying The Giant
Slaying the Giant takes you on an imaginary journey into the world of the depressed. Through the author’s training and personal experience with the `grave pit’ of depression, he tells you how you get there, what it is like, and best of all – how to return
Comfort for Troubled Christians
A small booklet with lots of encouragement for struggling Christians. A good book to pass out.
Free Indeed
How do we deal with worry, stress, injustice, disappointments, depression and bitterness? While this book does not pretend to offer all the answers to every problem we face, it does offer us resources to draw from and it points us to the One who has all the answers!
Child Training
The true Christian is a misfit in society because his goals and priorities are different from those around him making look, act and talk differently. How should he relate to the world’s education, entertainment, technology and fashions without becoming worldly?
The Kneeling Christian
An extraordinary book on the Christian’s prayer life that everybody should read. Does God want to answer our prayers? Do we hinder His work? How can our hearts be prepared for God to work? An older classic.
Love and Respect
A wife has one driving need – to feel loved. A husband has one driving need – to feel respected. When those needs are met, both are fulfilled. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get stressed. This book reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they deal with such conflict […]
God’s Will for Love in Marriage
An excellent book for those who are married or engaged to marry. It tackles issues such as communication, marital intimacy and guidelines for family planning.
A Heart For God
The heart is a marvelous thing. It is created by God for God. In this interesting book you will find many answers to help with such issues as repentance, confession and cleansing. Teaches how to deal with heart issues.
Putting Off Anger
Anger kills people, turns children into rebels, destroys families and divides churches. This book looks at what God says about anger. Easy to read.
Penny Wise
This book is packed with inspiration and information that will help you be a better steward of the time, money, and talents God has blessed you with.
When a Loved One Has Died
A good little booklet to share with those who are grieving the death of a loved one.
Getting Along with People God’s Way
An excellent book on achieving and maintaining healthy relationships on various levels from home and church to business. You will find it helpful.
Showing 1057–1079 of 1079 results