Showing 937–960 of 1079 results
The Other Side of the Wall
In this book, author Gary Miller continues his Kingdom-focused Living series with a thorough look at God-centered giving. He stresses Biblical principles that apply to all Christians who want to reflect God’s heart in giving, whether by meeting financial needs in their local community or by seeking to alleviate poverty abroad.
$2.25 – $16.99
The Path Less TraveledStories written by those who have traveled the path of adoption and/or foster care
Join the intriguing journey of fostering and adoption with this compilation of touching and sometimes heartrending stories.
$5.99 – $9.99
The Pilgrim’s ProgressOne Man’s Search for Eternal Life
As Barbara stumbled along behind, she caught glimpses of Regina’s pale face and flashes of the warrior’s tomahawk . . . Barbara struggled to keep up. She was determined not to let Regina out of her sight. Based on true story.
The Price of Peace
A collection of factually based stories about young people facing the trials and struggles of life.
The Prisoner in the Third Cell
You will enjoy this masterfully written and moving story of the life of John the Baptist. A book of comfort for those caught up in circumstances difficult to understand.
$4.75 – $10.95
The Ride of My LifeExperiences of an Amish Mennonite Boy
Story after story. Lyle writes of his own growing up years. Adventures, narrow escapes, accidents and more keeps you turning the pages. Good reading.
The Road Less Traveled
Seventh graders are growing up and are beginning to face bigger decisions. This reader addresses the theme of choices, presenting examples of others whose choices, good and bad, affected their lives. Grade 7
The Runaway Sled
Interesting stories and activities for young children. Stories can be easily translated to PA Dutch.
The Rusty Needle
A nice little full color picture book teacching a lesson in honesty.
$2.25 – $8.95
The School of God
Go with Ruth and learn some of the great lessons of life as she studies in the School of God. Picture her suddenly becoming totally responsible for the ungodly household of her family, which includes an invalid sister. Feel her struggle as a disgraceful reality about her family comes to light. What will she do […]
The Scriptures Have the Answers
This book contains spiritual insights and stories many of whom have appeared in Family Life years ago. Good inspirational reading.
The Secret at Pheasant Cottage
Lucy is a 5 year old living with her grandparents. Her mother is dead, but where is her father? You will enjoy reading this book.
The Secret Church
Trudi, Richard and Otto lived in Germany more than 400 years ago. It was during the time when their parents were thinking about joining the Anabaptists.
The Shoe That Tattled
Interesting stories about young Amish children. Can be easily translated to PA German.
The Sign of the Beaver
Matt’s father leaves to bring the rest of the family to their new home in the wilderness. Matt is alone and meets trouble and is rescued by Indians. The Indians invite him to join their tribe. Since his father still has not returned, he can’t decide if he should join the Indians or wait on […]
The Six Red Roses
Kevin plays in the sandbox and loses his truck. Kayla picks six red roses from mrs. Carter’s garden. Can she take them home without asking? Twenty-two stories and poems that teach children how to relate to questions, disappointments, and pleasures of everyday life.
$8.99 – $15.99
The Snader Family Alaskan Cookbook
Filled with the Snader family’s recipes and traveling experiences from Marlene’s viewpoint this time. Color photos of all the recipes and other aspects of their interesting life in Alaska.
The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
The Sugar Shack
A full-color photo story book of one little girl’s learning experience of how maple syrup is made. All the way from the tree to the pancakes!
The Tanglewoods Secret
This is an adventurous story of Philip and Ruth who live with their Aunt Margaret while their parents are missionaries in India.
The Titanic Sinks
Read this incredible true story and unlock the secrets of the deep in the Titanic. The story of the unsinkable ship that sank! A children’s book.
$6.99 – $8.99
The Treasure Hunt
The Yoders move to Colorado and young Joe gets caught up with gold finding fever. But finally he learns what real treasure is in life. Illustrated. The second book of a series on actual early Amish settlements that failed.
The True Christian
Exactly what does God expect of me as a Christian? Is he pleased with my life? Just how does He evaluate what I do or say? Should a Christian be tempted with the things I am? I want to please God, to live right, to be faithful, to be ready to meet Him when I […]
$7.95 – $15.99
The True Story of Noah’s Ark
You will love this stunning full color visual narrative of how the professional artist, Bill Looney, skillfully and realistically portrays the various stages of Noah’s Ark.
Showing 937–960 of 1079 results