Christian Light Publications
Showing 73–96 of 123 results
Music in Biblical Perspective
A thoughtful and thorough study on music. Are musical instruments unscriptural? How do we test music for it’s acceptability? Read and find out.
My Ways Are Higher
Ronnie and Maryann Martin answered God’s call and moved to Honduras with their six children. They poured their heart into the work, but a dreadful accident claimed the life of her beloved husband. How could Maryann go on without him?
Not ReginaWhen two worlds collide, one family faces its ultimate challenge
Regina found herself caught between two religious factions in Switzerland. Her parents and her special friend did not approve of the Anabaptist Heresy. But why was she unfulfilled? Why were the anabaptists willing to die? Will her question be answered?
Object Lessons For Children
These 40 object lessons will help you capture children’s attention and communicate truth. In addition to instructions, each lesson plan includes verses to consider and practical applications.
One Anothering Study Guide
Open Windows
Wholesome, inspiring stories that convey solid Biblical messages; stories the whole family will enjoy. Grade 5
Ornament of Grace
This collection of stories follows teenage girls who faced challenges just like others, but who chose to honor their parents. Learn from their mistakes, and pursue a God-honoring path of enduring values. Be encouraged by their victories and instructed by their failures.
Overcoming Inferiority
The ordinary next born, Sara struggled without an identity and fell into the gut-wrenching trap of inferiority. This is her story of victory.
Palace Beautiful
This book vividly shows us the deceitfulness of the enemy working through our own fallen passions to bring us into the bondage of sin. Like Pilgrim’s Progress, this allegory unfolds truths of the unseen world in fresh, powerful ways to the thoughtful reader.
Pleasant Valley Farm Coloring Book
Goes with the Pleasant Valley Farm series.
Prairie Child
Was this worse than the hailstorm or the blizzard? Rilla endures her share of growing pains, and the public school she attended tested not just the 3 R’s but her character too. Find shining threads of love, laughter, faith, gratitude, and God’s care woven through these light-hearted stories.
Praises We Sing
A compilation of 381 songs suitable for use at home, or school or various occasions.
Pursuing Peace
A booklet on living peacefully with those around us.
Report for Duty
A story for our times… War. John Witmer soon found out that soldier boys didn’t have much patience… or mercy… with conscientious objectors. John’s heart was set on God, and God’s grace was sufficient. All young men should read this book. A true WW1 story.
Returning Home
Based on the historical accounts of the Plett family, Returning Home follows Johann’s harrowing journey into political intrigue and conspiracy, forced military service, drink, poverty, and devastating loss until, driven to despair, he must choose between rejecting God or returning to Him. This one is hard to lay down.
Ricky and the Hammond Cousins
The Hammond cousins love Uncle Jerry, but Ricky is a different story. He is mean. He is loud. He makes trouble at every turn. At first they are bewildered, then exasperated, and finally compassionate as they learn to relate to a boy with a hyperactive disorder, who operates at high energy, non stop.
Rosanna in the Middle
Rosanna’s grandmas tell her stories about her ancestor who came to America long ago and a Chinese mother who suffered for her faith. Rosanna learns to see herself as part of the much larger family of God. Based on actual events, this children’s story from the author of The Arrowhead is illustrated with colorful paintings.
Secret Shadow
Lawanda feared her father. And why wouldn’t she? Can God redeem this poor girl’s life? Will He? A true story in a plain setting.
Separation and Nonconformity
A study book for youth and adults on the subject of Biblical Separation and Nonconformity.
Shadow the Barn Cat
Shadow was a shy cat, but was also brave and diligent. When farmer Don ruined her perfect hiding place in the hay tunnel, she didn’t give up. Interesting.
Singlehood That Glorifies GodPremarital Counseling − A Guide for Couples and Counselors.
An encouraging book for single on finding contentment in life.
Small Wonders
With an extraordinary sense of wonder, young children delight in simple things of life: touching a puppy’s soft fur, sharing milk and cookies, or watching a bubble float into the sky. Small Wonders is a book to share with the little people in your life.
Snoopy the Sheep
Snoopy’s new home at Pleasant Valley Farm was cozy and safe. She had plenty of fresh green grass to eat, and a tall wire fence to protect her from hungry coyotes. But Snoopy was not content. Then one afternoon she wandered up the hillside alone and found herself in big trouble.
Somewhere in the Skies
This is the moving account of a tragic farming accident that shocked the Shenandoah Valley. It is the story of how five souls who loved the Lord went to be with Him, and how God provided for the two girls left behind. A soul-stirring story, this book reminds us that though life on earth is […]
Showing 73–96 of 123 results