Christian Light Publications
Showing 49–72 of 123 results
God Our Children,and the Facts of Life
As parents, we know we should teach our children about their God-given sexuality. Yet the thought of doing so often makes us self-conscious and uncomfortable.
God’s Will for my Body
A guide for parents to use in helping their children to understand, accept and appreciate the changes that come with growing up. A much needed balance to the messages and images that are forced on our young people.
Happy Hearts
Wembo makes a late night jungle trip; Linda Lou wants to do something for Jesus. More Character building stories. Grade 2, book 2
Harvest Boy of White Hill
11-year-old Eli lived with his family on the farm at the foot of White Hill in Stuarts Draft, VA. Change is in the air. Will Eli find acceptance as a harvest boy? Will he find answers for his many questions about God?
Helping Hands
How can Nell be thankful for dried onions? Stories teaching honesty, helpfulness, and thankfulness. Grade 2, book 1
Hidden Rainbow
The true story of a forbidden New Testament that shattered the calm of a Yugoslavian Village.
Home on the Blue Ridge
Home on the Blue Ridge gives readers warm glimpses of the Sanford Yoder family in their years at Faith Mision Home.
Home on the Rock Pile
The small ramshackle house sat on a knoll with rocks and boulders. The place was called, “The Rock Pile,” and to young Pablo Yoder, it was home. Paul had dad who provided for his family and reached out to neighbors, a devoted mom who cared for their flock of adventurous children. A fascinating look at […]
How Beautiful the Dusty Road
How Beautiful the Dusty Road is Allison’s story of serving as a volunteer nurse in the largest refugee camp in the world. Through dust and disease, through patients rescued and lost; through such trials God gave her a greater understanding of what it means to love as He loved.
How to Shake the World with $100
Many of us wake up in a normal weekday and go to work. We spend a large part of the day trading our time, talents, and efforts for cold, hard cash. When we spend so much time this way, can we still make a difference for God’s kingdom? This book introduces a new perspective, a […]
I Wonder
Lessons about honesty, good habits, thankfulness, and prayer. Grade 1
In the Whales Belly
Stories taken form Martyr’s Mirror and written on a child’s level. A must read for your children or grandchildren.
Joey’s Story
Gripping and compelling. Amazing true story of abuse, neglect and redemption!
Joy for Mourning
This is poignant personal account of an inner world devastated by experiences too difficult for a child’s heart to handle. The sin of sexual abuse had left wreckage, turmoil, and mourning. This is not light reading. It’s about something ugly and tragic, its repercussions in one woman’s life, and her road to recovery. While other […]
Kernels of Hope
“How will i take along the wheat?” Papa wondered. “We need every kernel to grow wheat in the new land.” Susannah was worried about taking her cloth doll, just like Pap was worried about taking the wheat. Join Susannah, her doll, and her family on a long, hard journey by wagon, ship, and train to […]
Light From Heaven
This story, sometimes heartrending, sometimes heartening, points to the one true hope for all man’s miseries-Jesus Christ.
Little Church House by the RiverTakes a Ride
The Conastoga River begins to rise, and threatens the little church house. Jon helps to save his church from the flood. Everyone works together in this richly illustrated, inspiring story.
Little Miriam of Galilee
Little Miriam’s home was in Galilee, and everything was just right… until later in the day when Father explained that they might have to leave their home. The taxes were unfairly raised and the wheat harvest they had been depending on was not good. Will God provide? It would take a miracle. In a story […]
Living a Pure Life
More than a manual for deliverance from sins of impurity. It is a clear call to moral purity amid the struggles and temptations of our immoral times. It is an invitation to a living and growing relationship with God, who is abundantly able to guide us in righteousness and guard us from evil. Not for […]
Looking at Myself Before Loving Someone Else
A workbook to prepare young people for lifelong marriage.
Love and NonresistanceGod’s Plan for the Church
An insightful and helpful study book for youth and adults.
Lucy Winchester
The true story of Lucy’s life-long spiritual quest through 2 difficult marriages and many sorrows.
Miracle Boy
An ambulance rushed Dale to the emergency room. A helicopter rushed him to a second hospital. All the while paramedics pumped up and down on his chest to help him stay alive. But there was no response, Dale had been under water too long…
More Story Times With Grandma
This interesting story book will give you and your children a fresh selection of worthwhile stories. These stories teach children the values of Godly living.
Showing 49–72 of 123 results