Christian Light Publications
Showing 25–48 of 123 results
Chosen from Among the Worst
Stories of money and glamor lure young Omar Montenegro to cross illegally into the US, where he discovers the lucrative world of drug dealing. His childhood longing for a loving, happy family seem to be coming true in Los Angeles, but that dream is snuffed out when, in a rage, he kills the woman he […]
Christian Ethics for Youth
A thorough study on the book of Proverbs. Excellent book for youth.
Christian Family Living
This book is for families who are serious about establishing and maintaining Christian principles in the home. An excellent guide for parents!
Christian in the Digital Age
This is a study guide and resource for churches, families, individuals, and small groups. Thes 13 lessons offer a way to pause and think, a way to look at these issues in the company of fellow believers, as a way to evaluate our hearts, our practices, and our values.
Clutched in the Talons
Jordan looked down at the magazine cover hungrily, his heart thudding against his ribs. Captain Jim felt calm as he leveled the C-130 at cruise altitude. He’d show those boys some real power. Kaitlin slipped form her bed. Her prayer was not good English. It was good submission. These three stories powerfully illustrate the danger […]
Committed to the Covenant
Elizabeth thought she and Emmanuel had a happy marriage. A deep love, two children, adequate income and a caring church – life was good. Illusion. Emmanuel was seeing another woman. When she found out, she was crushed. Emmanuel asked forgiveness, and Elizabeth hoped for the best. But alas, it was only the beginning of her […]
Courtship That Glorifies God
A Biblical approach to dating and engagement. Excellent guidebook for parents and young people.
Coyotes, Tortillas, and Amigos
The Martin children were shocked when the door burst open and their brother Wayne strode in, his face grim. “Five if my piglets completely disappeared overnight!” The next morning more were missing. Who was the thief? Was it the coyotes they heard howling? Or was it Juan? Read the book to get the rest of […]
Crayon box Collection
Eric was tricked out of a quarter, Joel tried and tried to put his new toy together, but without success. Susie and her friends thought school lunches were boring, but when they laid out their lunches for a picnic and chose what they wanted, they were surprised at the results. Full of good stories with […]
Crossing the Distance
A sequel to Returning Home. Based on historical accounts, Crossing the Distance is a story of great distances and a man who faced them. It offers hope that, by God’s grace, we also can cross divides in our lives.
Daddy on the Mend
The children stood beside Dadd’s bed, wide-eyed as he opened his eyes and smiled weakly. While his leg heals the family learn about God’s care.
Danny the Workhorse
Danny was big and strong and gentle, but he had a problem . . . he hated to work. Farmer Don and Missus Dora were worried. How would Farmer Don get his work done if Danny refused to help? Then some oatmeal cookies gave Missus Dora and idea. Children love this engaging story. Beautifully full-color […]
Death of a Saloon
Teodolinda and her family spiraled deeper into the pit of drunkenness, brawling, and lawlessness. Despairing, she cried for help and deliverance. But the years rolled by, and help seemed long in coming . . .
Discovering My Place
Can two people “stay in love” for a lifetime? Most new wives crave an enduring and vibrant marriage, but too many find themselves on a path of pain and disappointment. This author set out to find the answers to lasting love and discovered a special way for wives – a place where surrender leads to […]
Dolly the Milk Cow
Pleasant Valley Farm Series. “Meet Danny, Chester, Snoopy, Shadow, and Dolly at Pleasant Valley Farm. Children love these engaging stories. Beautifully full-color illustrated.
Doors to Discovery
Is it worthwhile to know how to read? Johnny would rather hunt Walrus – until the flying whale arrives. Then he discovers reading as a doorway. Stories of other places and times. Grade 3
Doxology In Darkness
The bitter threats rang in Rebecca’s ears long after the young man had slipped back into the shadows of the Costa Rican hills. How could someone her family had cared for harbor such hate toward them? Then tragedy struck.
Eternal Security
This booklet gives clear Biblical direction on the subject of Eternal Securtiy. What is meant by a ‘Living Hope’?
The author offers encouraging, Biblical counsel on becoming a beautiful woman who glorifies God by honoring her husband and accepting life’s challenges with joy and contentment. She also shares practical tips and suggestions for housekeeping and caring for your family.
For One Moment
Herbe’s youth was marred by constant inner conflict and political turmoil. This captivating story portrays Jesus’ power to mend shattered lives and give peace to anxious minds.A must read.
From Contra to Christ
Tomas enjoyed a carefree childhood in the rough mountains of northern Nicaragua. As a boy he went to church with his mother and decided he wanted to follow God. But growing political unrest erupted into civil war. Despite having a conscience against killing, Tomas was forced to join the Contra rebels and was swept into […]
From Wealth to FaithA tear stained journey from a life of affluence to one of enduring wealth
Prosperity is followed by disappointment, heartache & suffering in Russia. A heart touching story you are sure to enjoy.
Fruitful Families-WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!!!
Family worship is a time for parents and children to gather for singing, Bible reading, and spiritual instruction. Many parents see the importance of family worship, but struggle to find material suitable for their whole family. This book answers that need very well.
God is Enough
Are you or someone you know experiencing a difficult marriage? That’s where the author found herself. How could she handle her husband’s alcohol-feuled taunts and insults? What should she do when he demanded that she go against her conscience? Virginia prayed earnestly and searched for answers in God’s Word. God is Enough is the true story […]
Showing 25–48 of 123 results