Christian Living
Showing 1–24 of 206 results
1001 Questions and Answers on the Christian Life
Helpful and informative. This is a revised and expanded edition of Daniel Kaufman’s booklet 1000 Questions and answers. It deals with nearly every aspect of the Christian life.
A Captain For Hans
You will be fascinated by this story as teenager, Hans Miller, who admires the Swiss Army, is brought face to face with Anabaptist beliefs. Will he reject his neighbors or assist them? God continues working in his heart until he finally sees who is the true Captain. Interesting and inspiring. 1690’s setting.
A Change Within
A nice journal for those taking instruction classes for baptism. Contains the articles and pages for sermon inspirations and personal thoughts.
A Change Within
A nice journal for those taking instruction classes for baptism. Contains the articles (In English and German) and pages for sermon inspirations and personal thoughts.
A Devoted Christian’s Prayer Book
A compilation of prayers suitable for various occasions.
A Good Minister – Back in Print!!!
This handbook addresses many important subjects, from the importance of a minister’s spiritual life, to preparing and preaching sermons, to his multiple roles as pastor, teacher, counselor, leader, comforter, and Christian example.
A Man After God’s Own Heart
Become a man after God’s own heart! Live a life that is pleasing to God and fulfilling. Become a more Godly leader in your home. Let it affect your marriage, children, work, church life and your witness. An inspiring book!
A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23
This is an interesting study of Psalm 23.
A Tale of Three Kings
This study of Brokenness will bring light, clarity and comfort to the brokenhearted. Based on the biblical figures of David, Saul and Absalom.
A Threefold Cord
Interesting and informative book on preparing for and building a successful marriage.
A Very Fruitful Hill
This book is about an Amish boy named Eli Troyer. Read of his interesting life. By the same author as ‘Nancy Martin’ series.
A Virtuous Woman
Whether you are a teenager, a young mother, a single or widowed sister, this book is packed with encouragement and sound Spiritual advice. It covers many needful areas such as a mother’s relationship with her children and the long term influence which spread far beyond the home. A Refreshing and Inspiring book! An Excellent Gift […]
A Vision of Kingdom Christianity
A thorough study of Biblical brotherhood and church function. Teaches the importance of principle based structure along with loving relationships.
A Woman After God’s Own Heart
Become a woman after God’s own heart! Live a life that is pleasing to God and fulfilling. Renew your respect and love for your husbands. Let your life impact those around you in a meaningful way. An inspiring book!
Accepted in Jesus
Accepted in Jesus is more than an exploration of rejection. It points the way to a life centered on Jesus, a life that takes up residence in Him and freedom from the bondage of rejection.
Amazing Grace
A beautiful and inspiring devotional book! It includes a song and a hymn story with each day. A good gift item.
Amber Alert
A stirring plea to conservative churches to take action in our times of apostasy and complacency. Good teaching on the importance of regaining a vibrant vision for the church.
Amish GraceHow forgiveness transcended tragedy
An in depth account on the remarkable story of forgiveness at Nickel Mines. Authoritative, compelling and inspiring. Challenges us to be more fully like Jesus.
And the Angels Were Silent
A very descriptive book on the last week prior to Jesus’ crucifixion. Intriguing and touching. You will enfoy.
Anweisung Zur Seligkeit
A book written in German relating to our Christian life.
Are Written Standards for the Church?
This booklet gives clear direction on the importance of written standards for the Chuch.
Bad Enough & Good Enough to be a preacher someday
Relive joys, sorrows, regrets, and nostalgia with Simon as you are drawn into the captivating lines of his life journey. Beginning with his Amish childhood on a farm in Maryland and continuing through turbulent teen years to marriage and traumatic loss, book rack evangelism and being ordained as a preacher. Simon’s memoirs are anything but […]
Before You Say Your Vows
A guide for couples, parents, and ministers. It does not ‘fix’ problem areas. It helps partners face who they are and guides them toward what God wants them to be.
Bible Commentary on Hebrew
Showing 1–24 of 206 results