Showing all 9 results
A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23
This is an interesting study of Psalm 23.
Alone Yet Not AloneTheir Faith Became Their Freedom
As Barbara stumbled along behind, she caught glimpses of Regina’s pale face and flashes of the warrior’s tomahawk . . . Barbara struggled to keep up. She was determined not to let Regina out of her sight. Based on true story.
Alternative Medicine
An extensive work covering herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and alternative therapies. Information on their specific uses, which ones really work and which ones don’t, and what to watch out for. Also covers Christian vs. non-Christian approaches, clinically proven methods, ancient medical lore, and much, much more.
Gifted Hands
Read the fascinating story of how Ben Carson went from a knife wielding street fighter to an extraordinary, gifted brain surgeon. A timeless story of hope and praise!
Sacred Marriage
This book doesn’t tell you how to build a better marriage – instead, it shows how your marriage can help deepen your relationship with God. From the practice of forgiveness, to the beauty of intimacy, everything about your marriage is filled with the potential for revealing Christ’s character.
The Act of Marriage
A helpful book on marital intimacy with a Christian emphasis. For married couples only.
The Case For Christ
An intriguing work by a widely known journalist who interviewed world class scientists & scholars in search of proof of the existence of Jesus Christ and the validity of the Scriptures. The evidence is so amazing he turned from atheism to Christianity.
The Strongest Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
The Kneeling Christian
An extraordinary book on the Christian’s prayer life that everybody should read. Does God want to answer our prayers? Do we hinder His work? How can our hearts be prepared for God to work? An older classic.
Showing all 9 results