Rod & Staff Publishers
Showing 121–140 of 140 results
Tip Lewis and His Lamp
14 year old Tip was idle, mischievous and full of clever tricks. For fun he once entered a church. The following days taught him of God.
Torn Between
6 year old Carson Yoder learns a hard lesson of not fully submitting under God’s ways. Then the dreadful trial comes into his life and he sees his errors. A thought provoking book for youth. Age 14 & up.
Trapped by the Mountain Storm
An interesting book on how wildlife survives and thrives by the rigors of a mountain storm.
Trouble at Windy Acres
When unforeseen happenings arise, the Winters boys have to associate with their uncle’s skeptical hired man. In the midst of unjust accusations, hard words, and theft, their lives demonstrate how nonresistance really works.
Two Surprises
Little Jewel Book
Typing For Christian Service
An excellent and thorough typing that teaches good typing procedures and is packed with typing practice lessons. 60 lessons plus additional exercises.
United States Coloring Book
Coloring Book with the United States.
We Live on a Farm
Coloring Book with farm pictures.
What about Boy– Girl Relationships
The author has sorted through, evaluated, and placed priorities on some of the major activities and decisions that face the young teenagers.
Where No One Stands AloneThe Story of a Range Horse
Why does Gerhardt’s grandmother evade his question about his parents? Why is she so hard and bitter towards life?
Why Do I Cry?
Little Jewel Book
Wildlife on the Farm
For Melvin And Mervin, life on the farm is full of new and interesting events. Stories about the wildlife they discover and explanations easy for them to understand about God’s balance of nature make this book interesting and educational.
Wolves in the Flock
God gives no less grace to us who are in the battle now than He gave to the faithful of the past. This cloud of witnesses bears record of faith against apostasy, of courage in persecution and of love unto the end.
Ye Fathers
Homes desperately need fathers who are serious about their accountability to God for how they raise their children. Gives practical suggestions on what to say and how to do these things.
Year of Doubt
A new school. A new community. A new church. Would the girls at church even like her? The many changes in her life seem almost more than 14 year old Lois Ann can cope with. Learn with her as she copes with anxiety, frustration and defeat in this engrossing story. Continues in the sequel: Year […]
Year of Growth
ois Ann the oldest of the children is battling some special problems. Will she never find victory? At times she almost despairs. If only Mother would be well then the heavy end of the load would not rest on her shoulders. By sixteen she is finding workable solutions thanks to God and the help of […]
Young Man Be Pure
This book clearly explains what moral purity is and helps young men and their mentors understand the battle that Satan wages in his efforts to bind all of us by sensual desires.
Young Man, Be Strong!
This book, written to middle and upper teenager men, gives much practical and valuable advice and encouragement. A good book for every young man’s library.
Young Woman Be Virtuous
A companion book that goes with Young Man be Strong written for young women. Contains much godly instruction and inspirational reading.
Free Indeed
How do we deal with worry, stress, injustice, disappointments, depression and bitterness? While this book does not pretend to offer all the answers to every problem we face, it does offer us resources to draw from and it points us to the One who has all the answers!
Showing 121–140 of 140 results