Rod & Staff Publishers
Showing 1–24 of 140 results
A Coin For God
Read how Lorenzo gave his coin for God.
A Hive of Busy Bees
A classic children’s favorite, many valuable lessons are taught such as obedience, honesty and kindness
A Letter for Titus
Little Jewel Book
A New Family For Semoj
With fear in his eyes, Semoj watches the passing scenery. Mrs. Mason is taking Semoj to a new life, away from the drab city, moving from their mom and all things familiar to live with their new foster parents. A good book that provides a clearer understanding of these less fortunate children.
A Virtuous Woman
Whether you are a teenager, a young mother, a single or widowed sister, this book is packed with encouragement and sound Spiritual advice. It covers many needful areas such as a mother’s relationship with her children and the long term influence which spread far beyond the home. A Refreshing and Inspiring book! An Excellent Gift […]
ABC Book of God’s Creatures
Little Jewel Book
Adventures with Books
Anthony Gets Ready For Church
Little Jewel Book
Be Still My Soul
An Interesting story about a girl growing up with a degenerating disease. Can she find contentment in God’s lot for her. Good story for teens.
Berries, Berries, Berries
Little Jewel Book
Beyond the Trail
Moving to a new home for the Kauffman family means a 500 mile trek across Canadian prairies with all their belongings in four horse drawn wagons in 1936. A true story.
Bible Pictures to Color
2nd book in Preschool activity set of 7
Bible Stories to ReadBite-size Strategies for the Writing Life
Preschool ABC Activity Set
Birthday Friend
Little Jewel Book
Children Like Me on Land and Sea
These are stories of Mennonite boys and girls from long ago, stories of children who suffered because of their parents’ faith, stories of how they grew up to love and appreciate that faith.
Cindy’s heart cries out for peace, truth and happiness. Raised in a cruel home with divorce and remarriage she knew nothing of true love and security. Follow her through young adulthood and the discovery of a grandmother whose faith offers hope.
Cindy and John
Cindy Cox looked back at her childhood with a desire to forget, but since she learned to know her Savior, she looked forward to a joyful future with John and a home of their own. But ties of the past could not so easily be erased. She faced stressful times with her ungodly family. And […]
Coon Tree Summer
A summertime story of a happy family with eight children which provides plenty of excitement. The parents teach them Biblical principles that make their home a beautiful place to live.
Counting with Numbers
Cup & Cross
This book is about Anabaptist history written from a conservative Mennonite perspective. It covers doctrines of Anabaptism as well as the development of European Anabaptism beyond the 16th century. A good book on Anabaptist history.
Davids New Ball
Little Jewel Book
Dear Princess
A girl’s book that calls all young women to be a Princess for our King. Much Godly instruction is given to lead Christian girls into victorious Christian living. All young women should have one of these in their library.
Do It Carefully
Dying to Live with Christ
A book on the imperative of dying to self so that we may live with Christ. Helpful to young people who are making that step.
Showing 1–24 of 140 results