Lone Oak Books
Showing all 14 results
Black JackA Ranch Dog
Black Storm
No one could ride Black Storm-no one but Joe Bain, the only cowboy the great horse trusted. Then one night the black gelding is stolen.
Black TigerThe Story of a Tramp Dog
BugleA Dog of the Rockies
CinchfootThe Story of a Range Horse
DustyThe Story of a Wild Dog
Poor Shag! Always he has been different. Unwanted. And now he is banished by the lonely man he loves. Shag nearly dies from wolf fight wounds. This is the story of how Shag at last wins his master’s confidence and saves him in a blizzard.
JubeThe Story of a Trappers Dog
Felix was the most experienced wolf trapper of the plains, but there was one wolf that could not be caught. And then Jube came. Read how Jube was almost killed with poison, and how he proved the greatness of his heart.
Poor Shag! Always he has been different. Unwanted. And now he is banished by the lonely man he loves. Shag nearly dies from wolf fight wounds. This is the story of how Shag at last wins his master’s confidence and saves him in a blizzard.
ShepA Collie of the West
Shep was the kind of dog that ranchers are always proud to own… Few men had been clever enough to catch him, but Shep always got away. Then one day, Shep was trapped, and rescued by a little boy! Shep found his true master at last!f
Silver was a beautiful horse, his mane and tail streaming in the wind as he ran, his head up with dark eyes shining… After being captured Silver got his freedom again for a while, and had a very adventurous life, until Charlie got him back for the second time!
TawnyFighting Horse of the Old West
TomahawkFighting Horse of the Old West
Tornado BoyA Horse of the West
TrueboyThe Story of a Great Dog
No one could ride Black Storm-no one but Joe Bain, the only cowboy the great horse trusted. Then one night the black gelding is stolen.
Showing all 14 results