Rebecca Martin
Showing all 13 results
A Captain For Hans
You will be fascinated by this story as teenager, Hans Miller, who admires the Swiss Army, is brought face to face with Anabaptist beliefs. Will he reject his neighbors or assist them? God continues working in his heart until he finally sees who is the true Captain. Interesting and inspiring. 1690’s setting.
A Mile in Her Moccasins
This is a companion book to Courage that Counts. It is a collection of stories for children pioneering in the 1770 & 1800’s. Though the way of living for children today is different from theirs, we must learn the same lessons about life as they did.
Blossoms On The Roof
Times were hard for the Yoders in 1894 as they struggled to survive. Follow the Yoders as they move to North Dakota and learn how to survive frontier prairie life. Illustrated. The first book of a series on actual early Amish settlements that failed.
Clyde the Rebel
War had come. The time is spring 1775, and the first shots of the American Refvolution have been fired. How will those respond whose ancestors gabe their lives for Christ two centuries earlier? Young Peter Miller is confronted with the question: Will you be a soldier for Christ?
Courage That Counts
Various stories of children in pioneer days. Children back then were no different than they are today. The lessons learned in these stories are lessons we still need today.
Courage that Counts
Various stories of children in pioneer days. Children back then were no different than they are today, therefore, the lessons learned in these stories are still necessary.
Crown of Rejoicing
“Anyone who attends this illegal service shall be arrested!” Those were the words staring at young Michael from a sign tacked to the meetinghouse door. It was a Sunday morning in September of 1622. Our forefathers met many similar challenges. The stories in this book share some of their harrowing experiences. from the early Anabaptists, […]
Eyes for My Heart
What is this strange disease that reacts to farm dusts and saps Father’s strength? Diabetes already undermines Mother’s health. Her eyesight is growing worse. With guidance from her parents, 14 year old Ida weaver learns to accept the perplexing situations her family faces.
Follow Me
Twelve year old Daniel Miller hardly knew how to feel about his parents’ plans. Would they really cross the ocean to the land of William Penn? What an exciting idea! Yet Daniel, grandson of the Hans Miller you first met in A Captain for Hans, and son of the Peter Miller you met in The […]
Freedom’s Star
This is a story of two families. One is the wealthy Peter Miller family, who want to move to Canada in order to own more land. The other is the Paul Bolger family, a slave family from Virginia, fleeing from a cruel master.
The Brickmakers
Sixteen year old Peter strains his eyes down the mountain. Six painful weeks have passed since his minister father was rudely torn from his life by Anabaptist hunters. How will Peter and his family survive amidst the hardship, betrayal, and hopelessness of sixteenth century European Anabaptism? Always hunted and ever moving, yet always searching for […]
The Farm Next Door
There were many busy, happy days for the Hiebert Family when they moved to the house next to Grandpa’s farm. But there were struggles too. Betty felt she was too big to be bothered so much by Mother’s absence, when Grandma needed help and Mother spent the night there. Yet even as Betty thought about […]
$6.99 – $8.99
The Treasure Hunt
The Yoders move to Colorado and young Joe gets caught up with gold finding fever. But finally he learns what real treasure is in life. Illustrated. The second book of a series on actual early Amish settlements that failed.
Showing all 13 results