Matt Snader
Showing all 6 results
1,000 Miles on the Iditarod Trail
Matt Snader The only way to McGrath, Alaska, during the wintertime is by plane or on the Iditarod trail. The author, Matt Snader, his wife and son, his brother-in-law and wife decide to ride the 300 miles to McGrath by trail. Read along and learn more about the snowmachines, the Iditarod trail, and Alaska’s harsh […]
Adventures of a Traveling Dog Salesman
Travel with the Snader family as they tour British Columbia, the Yukon, and of course, Alaska. Over 100 full color photos.
Down But Not Out
Book 13 in the Alaska Adventure series is here! This book covers 3 very eventful years in the Snader’s lives from 2021-2024. This book is full of twists and turns, surprises, struggles, and a few successes. Plus a lot of pictures!
Going Down
Matt Snader has operated boats on Cook Inlet, the Gulf of Alaska, and Prince William Sound for 7 years. The while hunting near Perry Island, in Prince William Sound, disaster struck. While slowly cruising the coastline looking for deer, the boat ran aground on an uncharted rock, hidden just below the waves. The tide dropped, […]
Return to Alaska
Book 2 in the Adventures of a Traveling Dog Salesman.Once given a taste of Alaska, the Snaders can’t stay away.
The Year of Much Fishing
Book 3 in The Adventures of a Traveling Dog Salesman.
Showing all 6 results