Showing 769–792 of 801 results
What About Cimmeron?
The mountain has been silent for years. But now it’s time has come. As Sarah hears the news of hot ash and mudflows covering her valley, she knows she has to somehow rescue her beloved horse, Cimmeron. Can she do it and survive?
What Jesus Refused to Do
Jesus was born in a dark time. Israel was being oppressed by the cruel Roman Empire and corruption was rampant. We also live in a discouraging time. We see Congress passing laws that conflict with Biblical truth and observe ungodly leaders being voted into positions of power. We watch with dismay as our world becomes […]
What the Bible Says About Child Training
This is a thorough study on what the Bible teaches about child training. Many parents find this very helpful.
When Do All Things Work Together
Seemingly, there is always someone in the Amish denomination questioning the genuineness of the Amish church. Being concerned about our Salvation based on traditions, is a worthy concern. Many of our young folks who are seeking God are faced with confusing theories in our day concerning his guidance for their lives.
When Love Is Not EnoughA Guide to Parenting Children with RAD -- Reactive Attachment Disorder
A Therapeutic Parenting Specialist, Nancy Thomas shares her years of experience parenting severely emotionally disturbed children; children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), ADD, ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and bipolar. A great resource in bonding, conscience development, and self-worth building, parents and professionals will find this book invaluable and very insightful. Learn to parent with power, love, […]
When Summer Comes Again-Back in print!
Moving to Kansas should be exciting, but 13-year-old Benjamin is tormented with doubts. Shouldn’t a Christian always be happy? Readers young and old will connect with Benjamin’s struggles as they join him and his dog on a covered wagon.
Where No One Stands AloneThe Story of a Range Horse
Why does Gerhardt’s grandmother evade his question about his parents? Why is she so hard and bitter towards life?
Where the River Begins
Francis is caught in a home that is breaking. He becomes involved with a rough gang. Then he finds a family in the country who teach him about God’s love.
Where the Road Divides
In the second century A.D., seventeen-year-old Laurentia finds herself living in Smyrna during a fearful era for followers of Christ. Wanting to live a happy and safe life, she resists her family’s urgings to choose the narrow road of Christianity, lookin
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse
Why Be Plain
A book for those who want to take heart Paul’s teachings about keeping away from the world’s ways. It brings out why Jesus wants us to stay away from worldly kingdoms and its pride and high living and the pleasures of this world. A person who wants to live for Christ does so with works, […]
Why Do I Cry?
Little Jewel Book
Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up
An engrossing journey back to the time of the first century. Inspirational account of what Christians believed & practiced at the end of the age of the apostles, & how the church eventually lost the Christianity of that time. Not primarily a history book, but a fresh look at how the church might solve the […]
Willows by the Water
In Willows by the Water stories you’re invited to exxperience God’s faithfulness as the author learns the meaning of motherhood. The mountains. The valleys. The deserts. As a mother, be strengthened, encouraged, hopeful, and joyful. Be comforted that you are not alone.
Wisdom and the Millers
This book is packed with inspirational, lively and Godly stories that build character in children. Each chapter explains and illustrates a passage from Proverbs. Stories are based on true happenings.
Wolves in the Flock
God gives no less grace to us who are in the battle now than He gave to the faithful of the past. This cloud of witnesses bears record of faith against apostasy, of courage in persecution and of love unto the end.
Word Search Puzzles: New Testament
An excellent cross word puzzle book that passes the time and stimulates Spiritual interest
Word Search Puzzles: Old Testament
An excellent cross word puzzle book that passes the time and stimulates Spiritual interest.
Words for Women
Do the pressures of life quench your joy, taking energy away from your love relationship with Christ? Take time to quiet your heart, listen to God, and be refreshed by one woman’s meditations. In the midst of trials and joys as a wife and mother she learned to experience the abundant life. 112 devotional meditaions.
Working With Wisdom
An activity book that goes with the book Wisdom and the Millers. Third to fourth grade.
Worshipful Families
Same as the other two devotionals, this carries the same format of a parents reading with a corresponding children’s story for each day along with a scripture reading.
You are too small, Little Eli!
Growing up as a little Amish boy on the plains of Oklahoma, Eli finds himself surrounded by many adventures. But too often, it seems, Eli is told that he is too little to go along.
Young Man Be Pure
This book clearly explains what moral purity is and helps young men and their mentors understand the battle that Satan wages in his efforts to bind all of us by sensual desires.
Your Strength Can Become Your Weakness
Many leaders stumble and fall over their strengths and not their weaknesses. We may offend each other more with our strengths than by our weaknesses. Learn how unguarded strength is double weakness.
Showing 769–792 of 801 results