Aaron Lapp
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An Introduction of Creation Principles
Many people are very concerned about when and how our world will end. even non-christians acknowledge that it does not seem as though it could go on forever in its current direction and condition. When these people think of an ending, they often wonder how and why this world ever began. This is an excellent, […]
Bible Commentary on Hebrew
Bible Commentary on I, II, Timothy, Titus
Bible Commentary on Luke
Bible Commentary on the book of I Peter & II Peter
Widely known Mennonite writer and speaker, Aaron Lapp, is producing a commentary of the New Testsament. This is the first commentary set produced by a conservative Anabaptist. More books coming this summer and fall.
Bible Commentary on the book of Ephesians
Widely known Mennonite writer and speaker, Aaron Lapp, is producing a commentary of the New Testsament. This is the first commentary set produced by a conservative Anabaptist. More books coming this summer and fall.
Bible Commentary on the book of I Corinthians
Widely known Mennonite writer and speaker, Aaron Lapp, is producing a commentary of the New Testsament. This is the first commentary set produced by a conservative Anabaptist. More books coming this summer and fall.
I, II, & III John & Jude
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